Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Word's Meaning Can Often Depend On Who Says it Precis

Gloria Naylor, in her inspiring short essay dubbed "A Word's Meaning Can Often Depend On Who Says it" claims that a word, is just that, a word, and the way it is used can determine whether it is hurtful or uplifting.   Naylor uses a double negative (by analyzing the word nigger and how different people use it) and personal experiences (such as that of her in school and at home) to prove that black people should not be ashamed of their color and to prove that words are only as powerful as the meaning that they are given. Naylor uses the anecdotes from her childhood as an argument for why she, and her fellow black people should be proud of their race. . In “A Word's Meaning Can Often Depend On Who Says it” Gloria Naylor is directly addressing her entire race living in America, but more widely is addressing the men and women of the world challenging them to select their words carefully and positively. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

How to Determine the Amount of Effort to put into an Assignment.

How to determine the amount of effort to put into an assignment.
As a High School student enrolled in advanced classes, I often struggle with a lack of sleep due to high pressure from assignments. Frequently I will spend hours on homework from one class per night, but how much stress is too much stress? You have to know what type of assignment you are dealing with in order to make the right decision on how much effort you should apply to a task.
      Homework and out of class assignments can be separated into three basic categories: simple, in depth, and complex.
      The simple “did you read the text” assignment is generally worth 0 to 40 points in your grade. It is due the day after it is assigned, and is not something to be majorly stressed about. If you didn’t do the reading you shouldn’t be staying up until three in the morning to catch up, rather write out what you know, and if that is absolutely nothing, then you might want to try spark notes.
      The next type of assignment is the “In depth analysis “. This type of homework requires a little more thought and is usually worth about 40 to 150 points of your grade. These assignments you should definitely focus on because they will help you edge more toward an A- than a B+.  Usually the teacher will give you around a week to complete these, and it is vital that you do not wait until the last minute because the questions always seem trickier when you are under pressure.
      The last type of assignment is the Complex assignment. This is a make or break  senior project grade due at the end of the semester and will determine your GPA for that year. If you get an F on this assignment it could easily take you from an A- all the way to a C. Do not procrastinate. While you should focus on the “In depth analysis” assignments weekly you should be slowly chipping away at this assignment as well. Set weekly goals that you tick off on the calendar so that the deadline does not sneak up on you.

      Instead of staying awake until three in the morning to finish that simple 20 point assignment you should rest up, write a quick paragraph to show that you put effort into it, and prepare for the bigger assignments that will either destroy or carry your grade point average.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

A Balanced Diet

 “3 cups of flour” my mom uttered to herself as she began setting the ingredients out for the apple pie. The first use of flour was 30,000 years ago and today most meals still use it as a thickening agent. However, lately, there has been gluten free craze traveling around the world. Should we actually avoid all gluten though? There is a stark difference in the health benefits and withdrawals between different types of flour, and it is our responsibility to be educated on what we decide to put into our body.
            During Christmas vacation I traveled to Florida to visit my gluten free family and found it unnaturally difficult to cook meals for all of my kin.  None of them were actually allergic to gluten, but rather felt that it was healthier to avoid wheat altogether. Countless people like my family in Florida argue that white flour, being processed, is not healthy for consumption. While they are accurate that the handling of white flour removes much of its nutrients it also has some benefits and has a history of successful use. White flour contains only the starchy endosperm of the grain which makes it easy to digest if one has a compromised digestive system. Numerous cultures have survived on high diets in starch and their populations have been extremely healthy. Like the Okinawans, who traditionally obtained 85% of their calories from starch. or the Tukisenta in Papua New Guinea who consumed 94.6% starchy carbohydrates in the 1960s. Cultures like these were shown to have exceptionally long lifespans and a virtual non-existence of modern illness such as heart disease. Furthermore, white flour can be kept for a very long time which makes it more economical. The issues with processed flour, however, is that it contains chemical residue left over from the bleaching of it to turn it stark white. Certain proteins in the flour produce an oxidizing chemical reaction with the chlorine gas which forms a very toxic byproduct known as Alloxan. Alloxan has been used to induce diabetes in lab rats. With these scary names of chemicals and diseases surrounding white flour in an enigma many people attempt to avoid it altogether. It should not be this difficult to have family reunions due to dinner time, white flour in moderation can be consumed without extreme worry for your health.
            When I was five I asked my dad for “real” bread on my grilled cheese. By this, I meant that white fluffy goodness that comes in white flour bread loaf. My father, instantly grew defensive over his healthy and nutritious wheat bread that I snubbed. In contrast with the high-risk white flour, wheat flour has many more benefits in nutrition and health. In fact, The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend that at least half of your daily grain intake come from whole grains. One of the primary nutritional differences between whole-wheat and white flour is the food’s fiber content. Dietary fiber has a number of health benefits -- it prevents constipation, lowers blood cholesterol and might help you lose weight, according to Colorado State University. The refining process associated with making white flour separates the fiber-rich brain from the rest of the grain, so white flour typically contains less fiber than its whole-grain counterpart. For example, 1/2 cup of white flour contains 1.3 grams of fiber, while an equal serving of whole-wheat flour contains 6.4 grams. As a result, selecting foods that contain wheat flour helps you reach your dietary fiber intake goal -- 28 grams daily if you follow a 2,000-calorie diet, according to Colorado State University. Numerous other benefits include reduced risk of stroke, asthma, colorectal cancer, and healthier blood pressure level.

            The gluten free craze is just that, a craze. By watching what we put into our bodies we can successfully remain healthy while still enjoying the food that we eat. If your grandma makes you chocolate chip cookies, feel free to take one or maybe even three. You are required, however, for the health of your body, to keep a well balanced diet and minimize the toxins that you put in it.

How to be a Successful Salesperson (Revised #2)

How to be a Successful Salesperson

There are two types of people in this world: followers and leaders. As a salesperson it is your job to be a leader. If you are a master at sales you should be able to read your customer and weave a story about your product to fit their amusement so enticing that they believe it was their personal idea and they cannot live without that product. As Lau Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher of Taoism, stated “The best leaders are those their people hardly know exist.”.
            To bring the sale to a close and have a enjoyable experience for both you and your customer you must do five simple steps.
Dress Appropriately. This is common sense for most people, but others will struggle with this idea. Here is some motivation: according to Business Insider first impressions are formed within seven to seventeen seconds of meeting someone and fifty five percent of a person’s opinion is determined by physical appearance. The way you dress could well be the deal breaker between the two thousand dollar sale and a walk out the door.
Have good body posture. If you are slouching over a display case or slinking around the floor you will not exude confidence. Customers will catch onto this and will be less likely to follow you or trust you. During face to face meetings, 93% of people's judgments of others are based on non-verbal input like body language. How you stand, sit, and shake hands communicates a lot more than what you say. Eye contact is included in this. To build a trusting relationship with another person your eyes should connect about 70 to 80% of the time. This shows your customer two things. First: that you are listening to their story and what they wish. Second: that you like them. While you should make eye contact, do not stare, or excessively blink. Too much blinking is suspicious. Adults normally blink around 15 to 20 times per minute. When under pressure, or stressed, blinking increases (Bill Clinton’s blink rate during his deposition was at 92 blinks per minute)
Greet and read the customer. In order to welcome the client a general “Hello” or “Welcome to (enter store name here)” will suffice. This instantly tells the purchaser that you are there to help them. You are essentially their waiter/host while they are in the gallery. Next, figure out for whom they are shopping for by asking leading questions such as “what brings you to Kirmse’s?” or more directly “Who are you shopping for and how can I help?” By asking questions such as these you learn what type of customer they are. There are essentially four different types of purchasers.
The first, buys for others. If they are shopping for their ten year old daughter who is likely to lose her bracelet in a couple of weeks then gain their trust by steering them to a less expensive item so that they are more willing to buy it. If a customer is shopping for their significant other you can deliver your own expert advice about pricier pieces: this added knowledge will often sway their opinions about the product. There has been many a time that I have been forced to choose a necklace to surprise someone’s fiancé.
The second, buys for themselves. These people are some of the easiest to sell to because they know their taste and they know their budget. All you have to do is wait it out, present all of the pieces, listen, and be pleasant. Remember though that customers usually lie about their budget and will typically spend a bit more than they state if they are taken by the piece.
The third, waits for others who are shopping. If you get stuck with the elderly gentleman that simply wants to know your life story as his wife shops find him a stool and like an ex-couple politely, but firmly, move on. You do not need to babysit him. In fact he will probably be happier now that he can simply sit and wait rather than have to maintain conversation. UNLESS you have no other customers to attend to…..  then keep him happy so his wife is comfortable shopping for a long time, knowing that he is engaged and content) It’s a truly skilled saleswoman who manages to take coin from the waiting husband.   
The fourth, “just looking”. There is no “just looking” person. They entered your store for a reason. Subconsciously they are there to buy something. It is your job to continue to ask leading questions until you find that one person they forgot to get a gift for, or the birthday that they forgot.
Present the product. In order to give off all of the superb qualities of your product you must truly believe in it. Make sure that you believe 100% in your product. People either follow leaders or are leaders. Make sure that they are following you. If there is any hesitancy or dishonesty in your sales pitch customers will sniff it out like a dog to meat and will instantly jump off your bandwagon. Furthermore, The customer is NOT always right. Often times customers will tell you that they know everything there is to know about your product and that you are selling something fake or too expensive. Although they may be an expert on that type of thing; you are an expert on your merchandise. One time I was taking care of a lady who was trying on a pair of Amber earrings. She clearly adored them, and also clearly wished for a discount. After several hours of requesting for a cut in the price I finally gave her the last NO. She went on to say that, as an avid Amber collector, she recognized these earrings as pseudo-Amber and again demanded a discount. I remained calm and professional, and held my ground that they were true Amber, and eventually she bought them at full price. 
Take it to the cash register. Once your client has found a couple of items that they like begin to lead them to a “close”. You might say “would you like me to set these over by the counter as you continue to look around?” or “Will you be paying cash or using a credit card?” this brings up the idea that they will actually be making the purchase rather than just ogling and drooling over the items.  

            If done correctly, you and the customer should have an enjoyable experience. No one should have to feel bullied or bullied into a sale. In the end customers  will be appreciative of your expert guidance and the knowledge they’ve gained. They will then leave your store with their purchase, and good words on their lips to spread your excellent reputation

Friday, February 13, 2015

How to be a Salesperson (revised)

How to be a Salesperson

There are two types of people in this world: followers and leaders. As a salesperson it is your job to be a leader. If you are a master at sales you should be able to read your customer and weave a story about your product to fit their amusement so enticing that they believe it is their personal idea that they cannot live without it. As Lau Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher of Taoism, stated “The best leaders are those their people hardly know exist.”.
            To bring the sale to a close and have a enjoyable experience for both you and your customer you must do five simple steps.
Dress Appropriately. This is fairly common sense for most people, but others will struggle with this idea. Here is some motivation: according to Business Insider first impressions are formed within seven to seventeen seconds of meeting someone and fifty five percent of a person’s opinion is determined by physical appearance. The way you dress could well be the deal breaker between the two thousand dollar sale and the walk out the door.
Have good body posture. If you are slouching over a display case or slinking around the floor you will not exude confidence. Customers will catch onto this and will be less likely to follow you or trust you. During face to face meetings, 93% of people's judgments of others are based on non-verbal input like body language. How you stand, sit, and shake hands communicates a lot more than what you say. Eye contact is included in this. To build a trusting relationship with another person your eyes should connect about 70 to 80% of the time. This shows your customer two things. First: that you are listening to their story and what they wish. Second: that you like them. While you should make eye contact, do not stare, or excessively blink. Too much blinking is suspicious. Adults normally blink around 15 to 20 times per minute. When under pressure, or stressed, blinking increases (Bill Clinton’s blink rate during his deposition was at 92 blinks per minute)
Greet and read the customer. In order to welcome the client a general “Hello” or “Welcome to (enter store name here)” will suffice. This instantly tells the purchaser that you are there to help them. You are essentially their waiter/host while they are in the gallery. Next, figure out for whom they are shopping for by asking leading questions such as “______________________?” By asking questions such as this one you learn what type of customer they are. There are essentially four different types of purchasers.
The first, buying for others. If they are shopping for their ten year old daughter who is likely to lose her bracelet in a couple of weeks you might want to steer them to a less expensive item so that they are more willing to buy it. If a hopeless customer is shopping for their significant other you can input your own opinions about pieces: which will often sway their opinions about the product as well. There has been many a time that I have been forced to choose out a necklace to surprise a fiancé.
The second, buying for themselves. These people are some of the easiest to sell to because they know their taste and they know their budget. All you have to do is wait it out, present all of the pieces, and be pleasant.
The third, waiting for others who are shopping. If you get stuck with the elderly gentleman that simply wants to know your life story as his wife shops find him a stool and like an ex-couple politely, but firmly, move on. You do not need to babysit him. In fact he will probably be happier now that he can simply sit and wait rather than have to maintain conversation.
The fourth, “just looking”. There is no “just looking” person. They entered your store for a reason. Subconsciously they are there to buy something. It is your job to continue to ask leading questions until you find that one person they forgot to get a gift for, or the birthday that they forgot.
Present the product. In order to give off all of the superb qualities of your product you must truly believe in it. Make sure that you believe 100% in your product. People either follow leaders or are leaders. Make sure that they are following you. If there is any hesitancy or dishonesty in your sales pitch customers will sniff it out like a dog to meat and will instantly jump off your bandwagon. Furthermore, The customer is NOT always right. Often times customers will tell you that they know everything there is to know about your product and that you are selling something fake or too expensive. Although they may be an expert on that type of thing; you are an expert on your merchandise. One time I was taking care of a lady who was trying on a pair of Amber earrings. She clearly adored them, and also clearly wished for a discount. After several hours of requesting for a cut in the price I finally gave her the last NO. She went on to say that, as an avid Amber collector, she recognized these earrings as pseudo-Amber and again demanded a discount. I remained calm and professional, and held my ground that they were true Amber, and eventually she bought them at full price. 

Take it to the cash register. Once your client has found a couple items that they like begin to ask leading questions just like when you first met them. Ask them “would you like me to set these over by the counter as you continue to look around?” or “Will you be paying cash or credit?” this brings up the idea that they will actually be making the purchase rather than just goggling and drooling over the items.

Compare and Contrast Essay: Food

 “3 cups of flour” my mom uttered to herself as she began setting the ingredients out for the apple pie. The first use of flour was 30,000 years ago and today most meals still use it as a thickening agent. However, lately, there has been gluten free craze traveling around the world. Should we actually avoid all gluten though? There is a stark difference in the health benefits and withdrawals between different types of flour, and it is our responsibility to be educated on what we decide to put into our body.
            During Christmas vacation I traveled to Florida to visit my gluten free family and found it unnaturally difficult to cook meals for all of my kin.  None of them were actually allergic to gluten, but rather felt that it was healthier to avoid wheat altogether. Countless people like my family in Florida argue that white flour, being processed, is not healthy for consumption. While they are accurate that the handling of white flour removes much of its nutrients it also has some benefits and has a history of successful use. White flour contains only the starchy endosperm of the grain which makes it easy to digest if one has a compromised digestive system. Numerous cultures have survived on high diets in starch and their populations have been extremely healthy. Like the Okinawans, who traditionally obtained 85% of their calories from starch. or the Tukisenta in Papua New Guinea who consumed 94.6% starchy carbohydrates in the 1960s. Cultures like these were shown to have exceptionally long lifespans and a virtual non-existence of modern illness such as heart disease. Furthermore, white flour can be kept for a very long time which makes it more economical. The issues with processed flour, however, is that it contains chemical residue left over from the bleaching of it to turn it stark white. Certain proteins in the flour produce an oxidizing chemical reaction with the chlorine gas which forms a very toxic byproduct known as Alloxan. Alloxan has been used to induce diabetes in lab rats. With these scary names of chemicals and diseases surrounding white flour in an enigma many people attempt to avoid it altogether. It should not be this difficult to have family reunions due to dinner time, white flour in moderation can be consumed without extreme worry for your health.
            In contrast with the high-risk white flour, wheat flour has many more benefits in nutrition and health. In fact, The 2010 U.S. Dietary Guidelines recommend that at least half of your daily grain intake come from whole grains. One of the primary nutritional differences between whole-wheat and white flour is the food’s fiber content. Dietary fiber has a number of health benefits -- it prevents constipation, lowers blood cholesterol and might help you lose weight, according to Colorado State University. The refining process associated with making white flour separates the fiber-rich brain from the rest of the grain, so white flour typically contains less fiber than its whole-grain counterpart. For example, 1/2 cup of white flour contains 1.3 grams of fiber, while an equal serving of whole-wheat flour contains 6.4 grams. As a result, selecting foods that contain wheat flour helps you reach your dietary fiber intake goal -- 28 grams daily if you follow a 2,000-calorie diet, according to Colorado State University. Numerous other benefits include reduced risk of stroke, asthma, colorectal cancer, and healthier blood pressure level.