Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Beginning Ideas of Synthesis Essay

Ideas I want to incorporate into my paper:
1.     Define designer brands vs Generic brands vs in between
2.     Fashion quickly goes out of style (skinny jeans and tall sneakers are now in fashion which were in fashion in the 80’s)
3.     Average cost of living for someone just out of college/ younger age group
4.     Average cost of designer brand purse (see how much rent this would pay for)
5.     Paying for the name
6.     Marketing/advertising
7.     Is it ethical? Sweat shops?
8.      how much brands use to put into marketing

9.     Some Brands to look at: Nike, Coach, Gucci, American Eagle, Nordstrom, Apple, Prada, Vans, Under Armor, Oakely

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Grammar Exercises

Grammar Exercises
Page 170

Exercise 1 number 2,3,5
2. the appositive is the rage  the phrase it details is the rest of the paragraph
3. the appositive is the thought and the description of slavery is the phrase
5. appositive is the starting point and the phrase it deals with is “from which to …agendas”

Exercise 2 number 1,2,3
1.Several West African countries Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, Cameroon, and Togo were at some time in their history under colonial rule.
2. The mayoral candidate’s rally opened to throngs of people, an unusually large turnout for a cold, rainy day.
3.The British parliamentary system has two branches: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Exercise 3 number 4, 5
4. My car, an old blue station wagon with a dent in the fender, is in the parking lot.
5.That call was from Bridget, the top student in my calculus class.

Exercise 4 number 6, 7
6.the appositive is “ the saintly Atticus Finch” this is used to identify whom Scout’s father is.
7. the appositive is “ a gooney recluse …compassion” this appositive is used to describe Boo Radley

Exercise 5 number 1, 2
1.     The appositive: the moral and political evidence (describing the evidence)
Ex. I am a dog – a bad one at that – who tore up the furniture.

2.     The appositive: “ a patience that nothing …the soul can give” (describing the patience)
Ex. I traveled through four different states: California, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.

The Ballot or the Bullet

Written by human Rights activist Malcolm X, "The Ballot or the Bullet" advocates for racial, economic, and social justice. Malcolm X uses juxtaposition (The ballot or the Bullet), short sentences (The most explosive year.), and parallelism (I don't see any American dream I see an American nightmare) to prove that colored people, if not heard by the government, would be forced to take violent action. He urges his listeners (the black population of America) to have black national pride, to spend money on their communities instead of giving it to white communities, and to focus on actions to change their situation rather than religion and prayer. Malcolm X states that if black pride were to spread they could choose who was in power in the government. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Chief Seattle

Chief Seattle's oration of 1854 asserts that his people will forever walk the earth (whether alive or dead) and that although they will move, their spirits will always return. Chief Seattle uses nature imagery and the bible (your god is not our god) to argue that the men whom take over his land must respect the land with dignity because his men will forever be watching over them. Seattle uses the argument of god and how he treats the different men to separate him from the white men. Seattle is directly addressing the white men whom are taking over his land, but indirectly telling his people to accept the inevitable.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

"Ain't I a Woman" by Precis

Sojourner Truth, in her spontaneous speech dubbed "Ain't I a Woman?" asserts that all women should be treated equally. Truth uses parallelism (Ain't I a Woman?), the bible (Jesus had a mother) and her own personal experiences (I was never helped from a carriage) to prove two things: one that women in general were more tough than they seemed and just because they are "mothers" doesn't mean that they need to be babied and secondly that black women deserve the same respect as white women. Truth uses the bible as an argument for why she, and her fellow women should all be treated equally. In “Ain’t I a Woman” Sojourner Truth is directly addressing the women’s rights conference, but more widely addressing the men and women of the world.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address Precis

Abraham Lincoln, in his second inaugural address, (1865) asserts that the civil war is being fought over the issue of slavery and while the two side may currently feel hostilities toward each other it is vital to reunite and accept each other. Lincoln uses repetitive word choice (he repeats the word"war" throughout the passage) and parallelism ("With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as...") to emphasize how the war must end and the nation must be reunited. Abraham Lincoln emphasizes the issues of the war on the nation to convince the South that he has not written them off and that he plans on bringing them (the states) all together. In the second Inaugural address Lincoln directly addresses the Northern States, but indirectly is talking to the entire nation, urgin them all to accept their differences and reunite to become a stronger nation.