Friday, April 3, 2015

Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis
Well known writer, David Sedaris, in his humorous narrative Me Talk Pretty One Day, describes the struggle of learning a foreign language and the benefits of perseverance in the face of antagonism. Sedaris’s purpose is to convince his readers that, although the challenge they face may be difficult, they should struggle through it because the results will be very beneficial. He creates a defeated tone in order to convey to his readers how hopeless he felt when he faced his task, learning a new language.
            Sedaris begins his narration with an excited tone. He appeals to Ethos by comparing himself to a “true Debutant”. This successfully makes fun of himself by putting the words into air quotes, which causes the audience to realize that he does not feel like he is “above” them at all. With this opening David Sedaris sets up the motif of the paper to be light and funny, one that the audience can relate too.
            Towards the middle of the narration Sedaris recounts the first day of classes with his new French teacher. She is depicted as a large cat predator “licking her lips” and “crouched low for her attack”. This effectively appeals to the reader’s pathos. The reader can now sympathize with Sedaris for having such a cruel and formidable teacher/ problem to overcome.

The shift occurs in this essay when the teacher used David Sedaris’s home language, English, to insult him. “I couldn’t help but take it personally”, Sedaris commented. The tone does a dramatic reverse at this point. It goes from defeated and emotionally distraught to confident. Sedaris wrote phrases such as “ I was determined”. This confirms that he will not simply give up, but fight against the repressive French teacher.


  1. Al - what strategies does Sedaris us? Sedaris uses tone, particularly the tone of "defeat", appeals to ethos and pathos, as well as the mode of narration...

    Think also about word choice, parallel structure, the use of humor... Set this essay up so that the reader knows what strategies you will discuss.

  2. Al, where is the other essay? You should have done two analysis essays.
