Monday, December 8, 2014

Fashion Project (First Paragraph)

“That’s so last year” something stated by every snobby consumer at some point in their life. Fashion, the ever-mutating industry, changes with the seasons; fashions that are “in” are soon “out” causing consumers to blindly race after the next big “thing”.  Designer brands (such as Prada, Gucci, and Bradbury) should not be bought first hand by young consumers due to financial and ethical reasons. The targeted audience of Prada, Gucci, and Bradbury, young men and women whom are new to adulthood and financial independence from their parents, can not afford the expensive handbags that are thrust before them. This is because designer brands will boost their prices to remain exclusive and hard to get. Also, brands such as Nike use sweatshops so that all of their profit goes toward the company, not the artist. There is, however, a solution; to reduce cost on your budget and your morals you can purchase designer clothes from certain retailers such as “Fashion Project” to get the maximum benefit out of your shopping.   

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