Friday, October 31, 2014

Comparison between Zora Neale Hurston and James Baldwin

Both of these essay are primary sources dealing with how racial segregation affects the author. Baldwin begins with a burning hatred that he learned at a young age for the White population. This is in a stark contrast to Hurston, whom since a very young age, has always seen the opposite race as interesting nice folk (in fact they would give her rides from spot to spot or money to dance). Zora never once believes that she wa unfortunate to be a colored person, and she believes that any man or woman whom wouldn't accept her company because she is colored is simply losing out on an amazing opportunity of meeting her. In contrast Baldwin has to deal with the anxiety and crushing feeling of low self esteem. Although these essays are both from a colored person's point of view, one deals with it optimistically, and the other pessimistically. 

1 comment:

  1. Does Baldwin have low self-esteem? Do you have evidence for this? And how is Baldwin's essay pessimistic? Details details details.
