Monday, October 13, 2014

Sean Parnell for Governor (Draft 2)

November 28th Deadline DUN DUN DUN
I am running for governor and you should vote for me because I am an awesome AP English student. No, not really, but Sean Parnell is running for governor. 
Politics. One of the topics that you are supposed to do everything possible to avoid when talking to three types of people: your grandparents, _________________, and __________________.

If you don’t know, our current governor is republican Sean Parnell. He took over Sarah Palin's run in 2009 and was formally elected in 2010 for a full five years of governorship. In his recent years of office, Parnell has made advancements toward public safety through the Choose Respect program as well as increasing Village Public Safety Officers' ability to serve rural Alaska, and promoting Alaskan's education through the Alaska Performance Scholarship and Alaska Education Opportunity Act. Also, the deficit that Alaska faces was not created by Parnell's governorship, but will be combated, in fact he already has a plan to attack the deficit using the More Alaska Production Act otherwise known as Senate Bill 21. If Sean Parnell were to stay in office then he could further these advancements and provide a much needed stability to the governor position.
As high school or middle school students we can all relate to the upcoming doom of college. (STATE TUITION/CHOOSE WHAT YA WANNA DO) (EDUCATION PRICES HAVE RISEN) For upperclassmen senioritis and the impactful decision of choosing a college is well upon us and one of the factors that we must consider is the Alaska Performance Scholarship. (PERIODIC SENTENCE) This scholarship was created by Governor Sean Parnell to help Alaskan student's afford an education instate. As the cost of education prices sky rocket, check books often become tight- but with up to $4,755 a year in scholarship money this scholarship will help pay for most of the costs of instate college. It promotes (use the word: BENEFITS) Alaskan’s education, and Alaskan jobs. Further, Parnell not only backs immediate college bound students, but he also supports career technical fields. The Alaska Education Opportunity Act provides for a way in which you as a student could take classes for example welding and receive dual credit towards both your high school graduation and certification for welding. By the end of your four long high school years you could be completely certified in a career and and begin collecting pay checks right away. 
Public safety has been another of Sean Parnell's key priorities. For the past few years we, as students of Skagway, have all participated in the Choose Respect March. You know the day when we get to skip half of the school to march from the National Park Service building to the Elks. It is generally freezing cold and blowing wind, but we march. (COMBINE ELOQUENTLY) We march all the way to the Elks (a whole four blocks!) to listen to guest speakers on domestic violence, and generally a messenger from the governor or some other state official.  The small tromp that we are involved in is a state-wide movement created by Sean Parnell. He has taken it upon himself to raise the awareness of domestic violence. Another bill, House Bill 199 passed by Sean Parnell supported Village Public Safety Officers ability to carry firearms. This provides necessary protection for the officers from the men and women that they must confront during their job. (ADD TO THIS) (NO POLICEMEN)
One of Alaska's major economic influences is natural resources, primarily, oil. "New Money" also stimulates the economy. Eight billion dollars has been committed by publicly traded companies to extract the oil from Alaska. The Alaska Production Act stimulates and supports the new money coming into our economy by providing a tax incentive for outside companies to spend their money here in Alaska to extract oil rather than somewhere foreign where we would not reap the benefits.  Oil production has been declining at a rate of 6 to 8 % a year; this past year, for the first time in 10 years oil production declined by only .13%  practically flat lining. Sean Parnell's plan is to rely on new production and new revenue. He will also reduce spending. The spending was at eight billion dollars in 2012 and then was reduced to 5.9 billion this year. They did this by addressing the unfunded pension liability. It was at a debt of 12 billion dollars; Parnell payed down that debt by taking 3 billion dollars from our Federal savings into paying off that debt. (WRITE ABOUT BILL WALKER) 


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