Monday, September 8, 2014

Sentence Types

Loose: I finally finished my AP homework, after staring at it forever and word vomiting onto the page. 
Periodic: Tonight, after a little bit of procrastination and eating dinner, I finally started my homework. 
Parallel: I ate the cheeseburger; I ate the fries too. 
Split-orde: In cross country practice pain is constant. 
Interrupted order: Ap English -difficult, rewarding, and frustrating - causes tears. 

Declarative- I am a human being.
Imperative - Do my homework.
Interrogative - Why did you fail my test?
Exclamatory. Well that's fantastic!

Simple: I ran past Kirmse's in pain. 
Compound: I ran past Kirmse's; however, I did not look well. 
Complex - Although I ran past Kirmse's, no cheering was heard. 
Compound-complex - Although there was no cheering, I limped past Kirmse's, and kept going. 

Telegraphic - Then I ran. 
Short - I stared at my AP-English homework. 
Medium- Rebecca is fantastic at planks; she can even do them on her head!
Long sentence - I ran horribly today because my body fought against my mind; this is an issue that I need to overcome and push through to become a better runner and an athlete. 

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