Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why I Went to the Woods (rewrite) Precis

David Thoreau, a philosopher who spent roughly two years living “simply”, wrote “Why I Went to the Woods” (1851); he claims that living simply is the only way to fully experience life. Thoreau illuminates the unnecessary qualities of what we consider necessary in life through rhetorical questions "Why should we live with such hurry and waste of life?”(paragraph 3) parallelisms “Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!"(paragraph 2), and varying sentence lengths to emphasize ideas “It lives too fast.”(paragraph 2). He emphasizes the need for simplicity in life to encourage his readers to break out from their normal detailed life to experience everything around them; only in this way will they truly live. Thoreau's audience is broad; he is reaching out to the entire world’s population because these are the people that are bogged down with a cluttered living routine and cluttered life; they need to simplify not only their possessions, but also what they consider necessary and important in their actions. 

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