Thursday, September 4, 2014

Chapter 3 Outline

Chapter 3 Outline
Synthesizing Sources: Entering the conversation
·  Rather than make a quick opinionated response RESEARCH to make an INFORMED opinion.
·  When researching don’t look up Pro-Con Websites. Explore a range of viewpoints
Types of Support
·  Use many types of information to support your argument
·  Types are:
·  Anecdote - PATHOS
·  Facts - LOGOS
·  Quantitative data (statistics) - LOGOS
·  Expert testimony - LOGOS
·  Always document where your sources come from
Writers at Work
·  Do not add sources simply to impress the reader
·  Sources inform your ideas, support them, and demonstrate opposing views, but YOUR idea is central
The Relationship of Sources to Audience
·  Type of evidence and the way it is documented depends on the audience and situation
The Synthesis Essay
·    You must document to give credit where it is due
·    The sources do not overwhelm the opinion
·    Before reading texts think about how the source will help back up your thesis (first have a thesis)
·    Do not chuck out sources that don’t support your thesis. Use them and counter them.
·    Keep an open mind when reading sources
Formulating your position
·    Before forming your position take stock of all of the issues
·    Your thesis should suggest a clear focus while acknowledging the complexities of the issue
Incorporating Sources: Inform Rather than Overwhelm
·    When you have a solid thesis do not simply summarize your sources.
·    Keep your opinion on top

·    Keep in mind the rhetorical triangle

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